Saturday, May 29, 2010


From time to time you get an urge to do something energetic

Well Sabato (Saturday) was such a day.

Carolyna was up first and said "andiamo" (let's go)

So off we go. Firstly to the Appia Antica (the Appian Way). One of, if not the oldest, roads in Roma. From 400 BC

Around Appia Antica (just outside the old walls of Roma) are a number of Catacombs where early Christians were buried. They are extensive and each catecomb covers may kilometres of underground burial areas. The one we went to was St. Domitilla which is the oldest of the catacombs.

You enter through a sunken 4th century church. Pardon the pics as no photography was allowed. So these are photos of photos

The tunnels housed burial areas for many thousands of Roman christians. In most instances remains have been removed to other burial areas


You can see the burial cavities in the walls in this pic

The bodies were placed in these wall cavities and sealed with tiles or marble depending on the degree of  wealth.

Some families had their own vaults.

This second century fresco is very impressive. It had just been restored. It depicts the last supper

The tour takes about 45 minutes with a guide. It is not possible to "go alone" as you would easily get lost in the tunnels

After "la catacomba" we caught a bus back to centro where we went to the Fondazione Roma Museo to view the Edward Hopper exhibition. Edward Hopper is a famous American painter form the early to mid 20th century. The exhibition was well worth a visit

The photo below is of Hopper

The quote is "all I wanted to do was to paint sunlight on the side of a house"

They recreated one of his works into a "real life" situation.

All dummies of course....mmm, maybe except for one

Here is an example of his most typical work

After pranzo (lunch) we went for a long walk to Piazza della Republica.

 It has a wonderful (amongst many in Roma) Basilica. Santa Maria Degli Angeli

Then of course, what does any self respecting Roman do before cena? Aperitivi of course

and where else than at the Spanish Steps

So, ci scussi

Dobbiamo andare a cena addesso
(we must go to dinner now)

Bacci a tutti

Carolyna e Alan


  1. Those tombs must have been amazing!
    Love the pic with ALL the dummies!!! lol so life-like.

  2. Photos are great. What a great way to spend a Saturday. Pat has been to the Piazza della Republica and Santa Maria degli Angeli while waiting for il treno to Assisi. Keep up your photography - it is bello.....!

  3. Ciao Carolyn & Alan. My wife Louise and I have been following your journey and we love the photos and comments. We are inspired by seeing this, and you capture Italy and it's spirit well. Look forward to reading more about your trip. Regards Frank T.
