Verona is certainly a magical city with many fine architectural buildings and beautiful piazzas.
We went there with our friends Alberto and Barbara who are local Veronese.
"Children" playing in Mantova (near Verona) at the Palazzo Te. Mantova is the city that Romeo was banished to.
Alberto, Alan and Carolyna in a lovely park in Mantova
The old Roman wall encircling Verona.
The beautiful main square of Verona
One of many classical buildings in Verona
Magistrates office where court was held in Verona
Another Piazza with a statue of Dante who spent considerable time in Verona
The old Roman bridge spanning the river Adige in Verona.
The Roman Colloseum in Verona where open air operas are held
The Allegrini wine estate just outside Verona
One of the rooms of the estate
A warm welcome by the General Manager
Our gracious hosts Alberto and Barbara
The second blog on Verona will follow shortly
Baci a tutti
Carolyna e Alan